The HrC Test

Health & Social Work
Monday - Friday, 10.00am to 4pm
About Us
What is HrC Genomics?
HrC Genomics involves processing an individual’s blood sample using Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technology.
By targeting genetic biomarkers known to be key hallmarks of cancer initiation, it is possible to provide an accurate and reliable indication of an individual's risk of cancer being present. HrC Genomics also gives a reading for when cancer is NOT present i.e., an individual is free from cancer.
Being able to detect cancer at the point of initiation provides the earliest indication of cancer being present in the body, even prior to symptoms or tumour development.
Taking the test initially will give an indication of cancer risk, taking the test annually enables the monitoring of that risk.
Rep/Contact Info
Steve Smith
- Phone: 01302 300400
- Fitzwilliam House Middle Bank Doncaster South Yorkshire DN4 5NG