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Rebecca completes Tough Mudder challenge after cancer diagnosis

An inspirational woman from Doncaster has completed an incredible physical challenge less than a year after receiving a devastating cancer diagnosis.
Rebecca Wheeler (38), a cleaning supervisor at Lakeside Village Shopping Outlet with contractor Aston Services Group, has recently completed the 5km Tough Mudder at Ragley Hall in Warwickshire. In October 2023, she was diagnosed with a rare cancer that started in her appendix.
After the shock of receiving this news and nearly seven months of numerous operations and then recovery, Rebecca decided she felt ready to do something she enjoyed once again. So, she set her sights on the Tough Mudder challenge which took place earlier this month - a fast-paced 5km run with 13 obstacles to navigate that test participants' physical and mental limits. The events are designed to be challenging, but they also emphasise teamwork.
She proudly completed the course in 2 hours 13 min.
Rebecca, who is from Edlington and has worked at Lakeside Village for the past four years, said: “I’ve had a really difficult past year with my health after discovering a lump in my right abdomen in October 2023.
“An ultrasound showed a 14cm tumour so I was referred to a gynaecologist who sent me for a CT scan as the tumour was growing quickly. In November, I went for my scan results and the plan was to book me in for a biopsy and a drain as it was showing to be suspected gynaecology cancer, but I could barely walk and was in excruciating pain, so I was taken down for emergency surgery where they removed a 19.5cm tumour and my right ovary. The tumour was then sent off for biopsy and the results showed it to be a stage 1A Mucinous Cyst Adenocarcinoma.
“This meant I needed a total hysterectomy and an appendectomy to prevent it coming back as it was a rare tumour that came from my appendix. I was told I was very lucky the tumour didn’t start to break away and attach to my other organs and luckily no chemotherapy was needed.
“I had the hysterectomy and appendectomy in January 2024 but three days after I could barely move with the pain and a CT scan showed a 6cm haematoma which was caused by having two surgeries so close together. So it’s been a tough time for me but slowly but surely I have improved - I now have a cancer care review every three months and am currently on HRT hormone replacement gel due to going through the menopause brought on by the hysterectomy.
“It has taken time, but I have started to get back to my old self, particularly as I felt strong enough to return to work in May. I thoroughly enjoy working at Lakeside Village as a cleaning supervisor so I was so pleased to be able to get back to what I enjoy. It’s a brilliant company to work for with lovely managers who are very kind friendly and always welcoming and I work with a great team of people who are very supportive and make me smile. I find my job very rewarding knowing I’m making an impact on customers and it’s a very family friendly shopping centre so being back at work, in a place I feel so comfortable in, has really helped with my recovery.
“But after coming back to work seven months since my initial diagnosis I realised I wanted another challenge to aim for! I have always wanted to take part in a Tough Mudder but kept putting it off and after going through everything I have this last year it opened my eyes and made me realise I need to start enjoying myself and living my life, doing the things I’ve always wanted to do so I signed up!
“I really enjoyed it and would recommend it to anyone as it’s a brilliant experience and everyone works together as a team and helps each other. I was delighted with my time and to get round the course. I’m looking forward to doing another one now!”
Lyndsey Parry, centre manager at Lakeside Village said: “The whole team at Lakeside Village is absolutely in awe of Becky and how she has got through the health challenges she has faced over the last year.
“She is such as positive and friendly person to have around the centre and we were so pleased when she was able to return to work in May. For her then to push herself further and complete this incredible Tough Mudder challenge is a real credit to her, and we are so pleased she did it! Well done from everyone at Lakeside Village, we are so proud of all her inspiring efforts

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