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Sheffield University Management School Announce 'CLEAR IDEAS' Workshop in Rotherham

The University of Sheffield is thrilled to announce our next stop for our CLEAR IDEAS workshop: Rotherham!

Join us on 5 March at the AMRC Training Centre for an insightful workshop that will equip you with the impactful CLEAR IDEAS (CI) framework.

Aimed at leaders and managers from the third sector or SME’s in the private sector in South Yorkshire, this framework will enable you to both generate and implement innovative solutions creatively.

The workshop will be led by Professor Kamal Birdi and supported by Sarah Stanley.

Developed by Sheffield University Management School in 2005, CLEAR IDEAS has been adopted by hundreds of private, public and third sector organisations via training workshops and events. Backed by extensive academic research and proven through numerous 'real world' applications, the framework has generated ideas and solutions worth millions of pounds.

“I thought the workshop and how it was delivered was fantastic. The tools and techniques were accessible and easily applied to most issues and organisations. I will definitely be applying what I have learned. Overall, brilliant!” - Previous attendee

Thanks to a subsidy from South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority Skills Bank, the workshop only costs £25 (maximum two delegates per organisation).

Book your place here by 25 February.

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