Health and Safety Basics - What All Businesses Need to Know

Date and Time
Thursday Jan 9, 2025
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM GMT
Flourish Enterprises CIC
St Catherine's House, Woodfield Park
Tickhill Road, Balby
Doncaster, DN4 8QP
No charge for any participant registered onto the Launchpad project or any Doncaster Chamber member. All businesses welcome.
Contact Information
Business Support Team 01302 640100
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All businesses, no matter their size, need to consider Health and Safety and how their activities may impact on their employees, clients, or anyone who may be affected.
Hosted by Tracy Cartwright and Pippa Mell - Applaud Business Consultancy Ltd
This workshop sets out the health and safety basics that all businesses need to comply with and helps you to identify any additional areas of risk that you need to consider.
We will look at the information freely available on the HSE website to support you in managing Health and Safety and will go through the process of carrying out risk assessments and putting controls in place to keep people safe.
It will involve the following:
- Health and Safety basics
- Identifying areas of risk
- Where to find support and advice for managing health and safety
- How to carry out a risk assessment
The aim of this workshop is to demystify health and safety for small business owners, and to help you get the right things in place to keep people safe.
You will go away with a better understanding of your legal and moral health and safety obligations, an understanding of what you need to keep your business safe, and knowledge on how to carry out a suitable and sufficient risk assessment.